GDPR data protection clause (RODO)

1. OMEGA CODE Sp. z o.o. (hereinafter: the Administration Company), pursuant to the provisions of Articles 13 and 14 of Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of April 27, 2016 on the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data and the repeal of Directive 95/46/EC, hereinafter "RODO", informs you that:

1) The administrator of your personal data is OMEGA CODE limited liability company with registered office in Warsaw, 94 Jerozolimskie Avenue, code 00-807, registered in the National Court Register kept by the District Court for the Capital City of Warsaw, XII Economic Department of the National Court Register, under the KRS number 0000387551, REGON 142934959, NIP 525-250-68-07, initial capital 594 900,00 PLN paid in full. The Administration Company can be contacted as follows:

- via mail: Aleje Jerozolimskie 94, 00-807 Warszawa;

- via phone: +48 571 314 244;

- via e-mail:

2. The purpose of processing your data is to carry out all necessary activities related to the conclusion of the Cooperation Agreement and its execution in accordance with the agreed content and applicable laws. In the implementation of the indicated purpose, the following personal data are processed:

1) individuals representing the parties to the agreement (including proxies, attorneys);

2) employees and associates of the contracting parties designated as contacts and responsible for the performance of the contract.

3. The legal basis for processing your personal data is:

1) Article 6(1)(a) RODO - in connection with the consent of a person concerning the processing of his/her personal data for one or more specified purposes;

2) Article 6(1)(c) RODO - in connection with the need to fulfill legal obligations incumbent on the administrator;

3) Article 6(1)(f) RODO - in connection with the need to process personal data for purposes arising from the legitimate interests pursued by the administrator; by purposes arising from the legitimate interests pursued by the administrator we mean, in particular, the conduct of its own business and the investigation and enforcement of claims.

4. Range of processed personal data of persons authorized to represent the parties to the agreement (including proxies, attorneys), employees and associates of the parties to the agreement designated for contact and responsible for the execution of the Cooperation Agreement includes, a.o.: name, surname, occupied position and place of work, business telephone number and business email address.

5.The processed personal data was obtained:

1) in the case of persons authorized to represent the parties to the contract (including proxies of attorneys) - directly from the parties to the contract in question;

2) in the case of employees and collaborators of the parties to the agreement designated as contacts and responsible for the execution of the Cooperation Agreement - directly from the parties to the respective agreement.

6. The Administration Company in certain situations transfers your personal data to other recipients, this applies in particular to the performance of services by external entities (e.g. financial, insurance, audit, courier and postal services, destruction and archiving of documentation, legal services).

7. Your personal data is not transferred to third countries or international organizations.

8. Your personal data shall be retained until the Administration Company has fulfilled the purpose for which the processing is carried out, and for the period during which the Administrator Company will carry out the purposes arising from the legitimate interests of the controller related to the Cooperation Agreement or obligations arising from generally applicable laws. The specific retention period may depend on the type of data and the purposes of processing. The Administration Company follows the principles of data minimization, which means that data are kept only for the time necessary to fulfill the purposes of processing. In the case of persons authorized to represent the Administration Company and employees and associates of the contracting parties, the data retention period shall include the term of the Cooperation Agreement and any additional period that may arise from legal obligations, as well as those related to possible claims or disputes, but no longer than 10 years from the date of termination of employment of an employee of the Administration Company, and no longer than 6 years in other cases. After the expiration of the data retention period, the Administering Company shall take all necessary steps to securely and permanently erase or anonymize the personal data, in accordance with applicable laws and regulations.

9. Persons whose data the Administration Company processes have the right to request from the Administration Company access to their personal data, rectification, erasure, restriction of processing or to object to its processing, as well as the right to lodge a complaint with a supervisory authority. To exercise the above-mentioned rights, contact the Administration Company.

10. The person whose data is processed has the right to file a complaint related to the processing of his/her personal data with the President of the Office for Personal Data Protection.

11. Provision of personal data is required to conclude the Cooperation Agreement. Failure to provide data will result in the inability to conclude it.

12. The Administration Company shall provide adequate technical as well as organizational measures to secure the processed data from unauthorized access, loss or destruction.

13. The Contractor does not process personal data by automated decision-making, including profiling.


How to contact us for more information about the processing of your personal data?

Write to Omega Code's designated Data Protection Officer using the contact information below:

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